Ripple Design System


The Footer component helps help users find information at the bottom of a page.


Use footers to help users find what they need after scrolling to the bottom of a page. Footers provide supplementary information such as:

  • copyright
  • contact information
  • links to other pages within the website
  • social media links.

The footer must be used at the bottom of every page. It is separate from the primary navigation but is relevant to the entire site.

How this component works

The footer is made up of:

  • optional section links, which help avoid dead ends by giving users a way to continue their journey through:
    • additional links (internal and external)
    • bypassing main navigation
  • optional social links, which can be used to link to social media accounts
  • core site links, which must always be used and include the privacy statement, contact information and terms of use
  • a copyright statement, which clarifies who owns the copyright and is specific to your agency or department (add the State Government of Victoria logo to services, for sitewide consistency)
  • an Acknowledgement of Traditional Owners message (an acknowledgement component).

When and how to use

  • Use with an optional supporting logo relevant to the site content.
  • Use a consistently-themed footer across all pages of your site.
  • Use the optional neutral theme.
  • Use with an optional image credit for the header image.

When and how not to use

  • Don’t alter the required links in the core section of the footer.
  • Don’t change the text in the acknowledgement component.
  • Don’t use with links that are not relevant to your organisation.


You can theme the footer in 3 ways:

Site colour palette

Neutral colour palette

Implemented at a site level, the footer has predefined neutral colour values. You are unable to edit or customise these colours.

Custom colour palette

The footer has its own colour tokens. Because of this, it's possible to apply a custom theme to your footer.

This is only recommended as a last resort.

See component specific theming guidance for designers.

To create your own theme, see theming guidance for designers or theming guidance for developers.

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